Ozymandias, I Met a Traveller from an Antique Landtouched off a torrent of angry responses. Nearly all demanded to know why this blog -- so generous when it comes to aiming the satirical eye toward McHenry County -- virtually ignores the much more populous and relevant Cook County to the south. Well your LakeCountyEye wants to take this opportunity to reassure all you Cook County operatives who aren't feeling the love that, no, you aren't chopped liver.
Not 100% Strange Bedfellowsthere is now a distinct possibility that Lake County will get its very own Cook County legislator, for the 59th District, Sid Mathias. Cook Countians venture north of the border rarely, except when to buy Lake County's duty-free cigarettes and beer. Any Cook County politician planning an election campaign in Lake County would be advised to respect the laws and customs up here. To that end, your LakeCountyEye has compiled a Lake County campaign survival guide. Here are ten best-practices for seeking election in Lake County:
A Lake County Political Survival Guide for Cook County Politicians: Ten Campaign Tips |
Look for your LakeCountyEye, ragin' against the Cook County machine.
Sid Mathias is clearly giving the "non-partisan" Democratic Lake County Eye heart burn.
First you tried to paint him as a Democrat. Now you are claiming he is "Cook County." What's next?
Must be pretty nerve wracking for you watching Mathias, a well-respected legislator, lumped in with Sente, who is still feeling her way around down there.
Governor Gerry would have been proud of those Democratic inspired redistricting maps!
Louis G. Atsaves
hi Louis,
My thought exactly!
Ah, Louis. Lake County's own Dr. Everett V. Scott.
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