Legitimate businessman and candidate for President of the United States, Donald J Trump has dared Congress to impeach him:
Just from looking at the Tweet, it is hard to tell if Trump will be impeached in Illinois.
Never unwilling to face a challenge, your LakeCountyEye drafted a map of how Illinois voted in the 2016 Presidential election. So you don't have to:

It is apparent that Trump lost the vote in Chicago and the collar counties -- and that is where he will be impeached in Illinois. Make no mistake, Trump will be impeached where most of the people are. Trump will be impeached in Lake County.
There is one exception. McHenry County voted for Trump in 2016:

Trump will not be impeached in McHenry County.
It goes without saying that many McHenry County voters are ill-informed and disoriented. And like Donald Trump, they all spend their weekends golfing at their world-class, top-of-the-line resort in West Palm Beach.