Forward to about the 13 minute mark in the C-SPAN video, to see Mark Kirk boasting to the House Budget Committee that he was the "Navy's Intelligence Officer of the Year, 1998". It must be the Memorial Day weekend because the blogosphere is atwitter over the video, more specifically over what is or is not to be found on the 10th District Congressman's military record. According to the Daily Herald,
Kirk has claimed for years to have received the Navy Intelligence Officer of the Year award for service during the Serbian conflict in the late 1990s. In fact, Kirk recently conceded on his blog that he wasn't honored with that award.A KirkForSenate Press Release is now saying that Kirk's unit was a recipient of the Rufus Taylor Intelligence Unit of the Year award. (Assuming the Navy does issue a Rufus Taylor Intelligence Unit of the Year award, Kirk may have been better advised to just stop his losses and quit while he was ahead.) The presser also calls Kirk's Senate opponent, Alexi Giannoulis, a failed mob banker. Meow! Team-Kirk must be smarting over the fact that someone blew the whistle on them. According to the News-Sun, the Washington Post, who broke the story,
Senate candidate Kirk says award was for his entire military unit
said its inquiries were sparked by complaints from a "representative" of Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulis, the Democratic candidate for senateIt should be no surprise to Operatives that reporters are notorious for rarely ever engaging in any actual hands-on investigative research; whenever a media outlet does break some news, it's because someone leaked them the story. Team-Kirk ought to know that in an age where everyone's secrets are readily available on the Internet, their candidate has an easily verifiable record that stretches back more than a decade. The first rule of oppo research: always oppo your own candidate first!
Kirk admits he listed wrong military award on bio
Needless to say, your LakeCountyEye has been engaged this weekend in some actual hands-on investigative research. Here are 10 more surprises to be found on Mark Kirk's permanent record.
10 More Misstatements on Mark Kirk's Political Resume |
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