The Question of the Day will test your math skills:
Q: How is freedom like a dozen large white eggs?
A: Neither one is free.
Illinois House Republican members have a Freedom Caucus. Which means two things. As its name suggests, the Freedom Caucus exemplifies a mindset of not being accountable. And, two, backbench State Rep Martin McLaughlin is a member.
It goes without saying that any such caucus will sooner or later get itself into some hot water. In the present case, the House Republicans stripped its Freedom Caucus members of their House privileges:
Being denied services are state Reps. Adam Niemerg of Dieterich, Brad Halbrook of Shelbyville, Chris Miller of Hindsboro, Blaine Wilhour of Beecher City and Marty McLaughlin of Barrington Hills.
Sharpeyed operatives will observe that most of these are rural, downstate districts that want to secede from the State of Illinois. No doubt this new state will also need Barrington Hills for the tax revenue.
Note to Ops: McLaughlin wants to be appointed to Dan McConchie's vacated State Senate seat. This would get him out of the Illinois House Freedom Caucus. Not to mention the Illinois House.
Just Sayin!