Saturday, February 15, 2025

Succession 2.0

artist's rendition
Precisely as predicted by your LakeCountyEye ...
Martin McLaughlin was chosen to serve the remainder of former State Senator Dan McConchie's term.

Backbench State Rep Martin McLaughlin was indeed chosen, but with one asterisk. That asterisk being Darby Hills was chosen to serve out the term:
Barrington Hills trustee to fill McConchie’s seat representing Illinois’ 26th Senate District
Who is Darby Hills? Nobody knows.

One IL GOP spokesman said: "We couldn't very well pick Marty McLaughlin, not after the LakeCountyEye had predicted just that."

A spokesman for your LakeCountyEye said: "HaHa, Psych!"

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Border?

Note to Ops: Don't try that trick where you get more soda by ordering it with no ice. That's because ICE is coming to the restaurant whether you want it or not:
Restaurant workers prepare as ICE arrests cast fear, uncertainty over industry
As readers of this blog are aware, there will be a new Chick-fil-A® coming to Waukegan ...
In the Fast Food Lane
And while it hasn't even been built yet, the restaurant already was raided by ICE. The Chick-fil-A Cows® along with Doodles the Chicken® were seen being hustled away in handcuffs:

ICE has issued a response to inquiries from your LakeCountyEye. The Chick-fil-A Cows® have been deported back to their place of origin, a meat packing plant in Iowa. While ICE reports it has "lost track" of Doodles the Chicken®, pointing to a "missing paperwork" problem.

Your LakeCountyEye will keep you apprised when further developments warrant.

Sunday, February 9, 2025


Not since the Papal Conclave of 1605 that ended with a brawl and Cardinal Visconti acquiring several broken bones, has the appointment of a successor to high office been more ardently anticipated. Your LakeCountyEye of course refers to the replacement of already Ex-State Senator Dan McConchie:
Notice of Meeting for 26th Legislative District Committee
Do you have the chops to represent Senate District 26? Do not delay, the application deadline is Friday, February 7:
So, who will be the next State Senator to the 26th? Nobody knows.

Except he will be backbench State Rep Martin McLaughlin.

And soon after that, McLaughlin will resign from his State Representative seat.

And after some decent interval, they will appoint Joe Salvi to replace McLaughlin.

The End.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Nepo Baby

Anti-choice, Ex-State Senator Dan McConchie is not shy when it comes to telling the IL GOP who they should choose to succeed him in the Senate:
"I want to make clear my full, complete, unequivocal endorsement for Joe Salvi to be my replacement in the Illinois Senate," said McConchie, according to Facebook. "He is exactly who we need in Springfield right now."
State Sen. Dan McConchie: Joe Salvi has 'my full, complete, unequivocal endorsement'
Who is Joe Salvi? Nobody knows. One thing is known, Joe Salvi is not backbench State Rep Martin McLaughlin. Much to his chagrin, McLaughlin thinks McLaughlin is entitled to the seat, and not Salvi:
McLaughlin criticized the perceived back room dealing if McConchie were actively attempting to put Salvi in his seat and threatened to primary Salvi if appointed. "This raises concerns about nepotism and insider politics, issues that Republicans have rightly criticized Democrats for engaging in," McLaughlin wrote. "I want to make clear that I intend to run for the Senate position in the [March] 2026 primary. I've earned the right to do through my record of election wins and job performance."
McConchie Resigning, State GOP Chair's Son Frontrunner for Seat
Joe Salvi, whoever he may be, has not spoken publicly -- further reinforcing the impression that there is more to this man of mystery than meets the eye. To get to the bottom of things, your LakeCountyEye asked the man-in-the-street: "Do you know who Joe Salvi is?"


Pete Cochran, Self-Employed Missionary


Linc Hayes, Crypto Salesman


Julie Barnes, Home Schoolmarm

The verdict s unanimous and that means one thing. Joe Salvi must be the new Republican DEI Hire!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Free Martin

separate but equal
The Question of the Day will test your math skills:
Q: How is freedom like a dozen large white eggs?

A: Neither one is free.
Illinois House Republican members have a Freedom Caucus. Which means two things. As its name suggests, the Freedom Caucus exemplifies a mindset of not being accountable. And, two, backbench State Rep Martin McLaughlin is a member.

It goes without saying that any such caucus will sooner or later get itself into some hot water. In the present case, the House Republicans stripped its Freedom Caucus members of their House privileges:
Being denied services are state Reps. Adam Niemerg of Dieterich, Brad Halbrook of Shelbyville, Chris Miller of Hindsboro, Blaine Wilhour of Beecher City and Marty McLaughlin of Barrington Hills.
Sharpeyed operatives will observe that most of these are rural, downstate districts that want to secede from the State of Illinois. No doubt this new state will also need Barrington Hills for the tax revenue.

Note to Ops: McLaughlin wants to be appointed to Dan McConchie's vacated State Senate seat. This would get him out of the Illinois House Freedom Caucus. Not to mention the Illinois House.

Just Sayin!