Q: | How many Chinese hackers does it take to hijack the Village of Lakemoor website? |
A: | Ha ha ha, of course they do. |
If you answered correctly then the joke is on you. The Daily Herald said that when Chinese hackers took down Lakemoor's website in September ...
The village summoned its technology consultant to investigate. For a time, the website remained visible. Then it went black. A check of the activity log showed attempted and actual log ins from an address in ChinaWhenever fact is stranger than fiction, your LakeCountyEye summons Dr. I.M. Bhatschidtkhrazzi, Professor of sino.cyber.spycraft at the College of Lake County.
Lakemoor uses hack as opportunity to improve website
"Ya," said Dr. Bhatschidtkhrazzi. "The tiny Village of Lakemoor has a bigger case of Chinese crackers on its hands than a fortune cookie factory."
Your LakeCountyEye was at a loss to why the Chinese would hack the Lakemoor website.
"They probably were not applying online for a building permit on a laundromat." deadpanned Dr. Bhatschidtkhrazzi. "Some think it was a training exercise. When young Chinese boys and girls go to hacker school, they start out practicing on easy targets."
Like Hogwarts?
"No, like the Village of Lakemoor." replied Dr. Bhatschidtkhrazzi.
Your LakeCountyEye whipped out the BlackBerry, and produced a news clipping:
More than 50,000 vehicles pass through the intersection of routes 12 and 120 in Lakemoor every day. Village officials need 50 of those drivers to get caught by red-light cameras and pay $100 fines to hit this year's $1.8 million revenue target."Ya, who hasn't hacked into a municipal website to expunge a red-light camera violation?" asked Dr. Bhatschidtkhrazzi. "But I daresay the Chinese have bigger fish in their gunsites. A fish to the tune of $1.8 million."
Tiny Lakemoor gets big bucks from red-light cameras
The Chinese hackers stole $1.8 million?
"I said big fish. $1.8 million is small potatoes." chuckled Dr. Bhatschidtkhrazzi. "If that was me, I would hack into the camera system and get a livestream of the video feed."
The Chinese are spying on Lake County?
"Don't be silly." smiled Dr. Bhatschidtkhrazzi. "They could use that video to mail out their own traffic tickets."
Your LakeCountyEye heard enough. Did Dr. Bhatschidtkhrazzi have any parting advice?
"Tell your Lakemoor operatives to watch their speed when they are on Route 12. And if they do get a ticket in the mail, be sure to doublecheck that the return address is in English."