It seems that Summer always arrives early in Lake County, like a sweaty towelboy in a Turkish bath. And LakeCountyEye operatives are burning with the fever for one thing only: new district maps. As readers of this blog are cartogorically aware ...
The Comic Landscape
a whole bunch of new Illinois legislative and congressional maps were released or leaked this week. There was a surprise or two. The
Daily Herald found one truffle, a shotgun marriage arranged betwixt State Reps Carol Sente and Sid Mathias ...
we've found one nugget of interest so far. It looks like Democratic Rep. Carol Sente of Vernon Hills would have to run against Republican Rep. Sid Mathias of Buffalo Grove.
Sente and Mathias together?
Another nougatty morsel to be unearthed is up in Senate District 31, where State Senator Suzi Schmidt will likely run for re-election. According to the
Daily Herald ...
Republican state Sen. Suzi Schmidt expressed no alarm Thursday over a legislative remap proposed by Senate Democrats that sees her 31st District being encroached upon from the west by the 32nd District — all the way into the western third of Schmidt's home base of Lake Villa Township.
Schmidt feels shifting Senate districts
More precisely, all the way into Schmidt's backyard. Schmidt may reside in a new 31 -- but, as a Dan Rather might say, just by the hair of one's chinny-chin-chin:

Senate Redistricting Proposed Map
The new Senate 31 is the part shaded in green. Operatives are challenged to figure out, on their own, where Schmidt's home address is. The last time your LakeCountyEye saw a closer shave, Joe Walsh beat Melissa Bean by 291 votes. Just sayin!
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