A Gift Horsethe owner of those footprints once met the Millburn Stranger, long long ago, on the field of battle. And won. With the Strangler vanquished, the trail of those footprints then lead through heavily populated areas of the once-tranquil suburban Lindenhurst.
Now the trail leads unmistakably to once-tranquil suburban Lake Villa, and to a scene where Sheriff's deputies were summoned to intervene in a domestic altercation. As readers of this blog are lawfully aware ...
The Megilla in Lake VillaCounty Sheriff Mark Curran issued a news release stating his deputies responded to a disturbance call, last Tuesday, from the home of State Senator Suzi Schmidt. Needless to say the papers this week were all over the story. Like Godzilla on downtown Tokyo.
Ha ha j/k. Actually the opposite has happened, no one is talking to anyone, the wagons are circling, it's as if a news blackout has been decreed upon the media. So if you've come to your LakeCountyEye for the latest on this still unfolding story, you've wasted your time.
Your LakeCountyEye can note that this is an anniversary of Tiger Woods's notorious domestic incident. Exactly 631 days ago, the police responded to an incident involving an automobile at Woods's Orlando home. (This is significant because 631 is your LakeCountyEye's Little Lotto number.) If your LakeCountyEye recalls correctly, police arrived that evening to discover that the Mrs had rammed the Tiger's car with her car, and had attempted to run him over. She was upset over the Tiger's drunken condition. Anyways, the Tiger was so frightened that he called the police.
This all happened back in the day -- so your LakeCountyEye's recollection may be a little fuzzy. Your LakeCountyEye does know the successful career Tiger built on the links never quite recovered afterwards.
1 comment:
Funny story -
I saw this story on the Herald website momentarily as I was perusing other stories, then 10 minutes later after I returned to read it on line it was gone - poof!
But I did see the original in print.
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