Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dollars & Munificence

Your LakeCountyEye has gold fever. Now that gold has cracked the symbolic US$1.gazillion/oz level for the first time, Lake County is selling mining rights to the forest preserves. A combination of disappointing Fort Sheridan green fees, Route 53 Extension toll receipts, and Park City Casino kickbacks forced the County to enact the unusual revenue generating measure. Naturally your LakeCountyEye was first in line for a chance to dig up some of that Forest Preserve gold.

Has your LakeCountyEye ever mentioned that a rented backhoe will guzzle more fuel than a nitro-burning RV? Anyhow, after much time and effort wasted, the closest thing to gold your LakeCountyEye was able to extract from beneath the Forest Preserves was a sack of Olympic Gold Medals. And those can be had at 3 for a dollar on eBay.

Of course your LakeCountyEye has not been prospecting for gold to gain an experience and a story for the grandkids. Lately, the LakeCountyEye 401k has been looking emptier than a gas tank on a rented backhoe. And the goal has been to secure, in times of economic uncertainty, a safe vehicle to grow the LakeCountyEye millions thousands fortune money. That vehicle is just probably not earth-moving equipment.

Luckily while US Treasuries have been downgraded to sub-junk-bond level, that doesn't mean all investment bonds are worthless. There is a simple rule of thumb to follow, your LakeCountyEye has been told, when investing in bonds: The higher the yield, the safer the bond. And judging by the high yields to be gotten from some of the local municipal bonds, there seem to be some pretty good untapped investment opportunities out there sitting under your LakeCountyEye's very nose. For the near future look for your LakeCountyEye online and researching municipal bonds, from A to Z. In particular, Antioch to Zion.

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