High School ConfidentialNow the latest domino to tumble down superstition's hungry maw is Libertyville HS. The Daily Herald reports on the eye-opening facts:
Dist. 128 investigating creationism claims at Libertyville High SchoolThe LakeCountyEye clip'n'save tote-sheet has been updated accordingly:
Were this trend-line to continue, look for creationism to run the table.
I am surprised that the Lake County GOP hasn't jumped on this as they did with the Libertyville Library Board member who would burn and ban books based on his particular religious beliefs. After that incident, I felt that there is still adult logic within the GOP as a group vs. their odd Far Right in Lake County. God, I hope the Dems never go back to their lunatic fringe present in the 60’s. As of now, Democrats as a whole can be depended on to govern all of us.
The Christian war against science education when end only after Christianity has been eradicated.
hi Human Ape,
I'm sure radical athiests, far and wide, all agree.
Spelling correction:
The Christian war against science education WILL end only after Christianity has been eradicated.
"I'm sure radical athiests, far and wide, all agree."
There's nothing radical about not being a wimpy suck-up.
hi Human Ape,
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An FYI, if I were marketing a product -- like Darwinism or Atheism -- I probably wouldn't say things like "only after Christianity has been eradicated". In my experience, that sort of rhetoric only frightens away the customers. Just sayin!
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