And who wouldn't know better than Fremont Township Assessor, Ed Sullivan Jr, who told the Daily Herald ...
Sullivan, a Mundelein Republican, called the ruling "historic" and said now the sides have to negotiate what kinds of fees, training and restrictions a concealed carry law in Illinois should include. "Those of us that support the Second Amendment are glad this came down, finally," Sullivan said.Sullivan recently sat down with your LakeCountyEye for an in-depth interview to explain why his right to conceal a lethal weapon on his person cannot be infringed, even in the slightest.
Suburban supporters cheer concealed carry ruling; opponents want appeal
Haha, psych! -- as if Ed Sullivan sat down for a one-on-one with your LakeCountyEye. (Particularly for this story.) Instead, your LakeCountyEye downloaded Sullivan's iTune playlist from his Facebook page. Here are ten hits to load & play during that important backyard beer-can target practice time. Be sure to pump up the volume!
Ten Frequently Played Songs on Ed Sullivan Jr's iPod |
Look for your LakeCountyEye shooting up to number one with a bullet.
Funny post. I would be more than happy to sit down with the "EYE" on this issue or any issue. Just ask.
Rep. Ed Sullivan
hi Ed,
I'm happy to oblige.
Would you support a Constitutional Amendment to repeal the 2nd Amendment?
You must have missed some of my above post. While I am sitting down presently I am not "with the 'Eye'". In this one case I will give you a free online interview.
Rep. Sullivan, Jr.
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