Your LakeCountyEye had been predicting it for weeks. Today the Illinois Democrats chose Sheila Simon to be their replacement Lieutenant Governor. While the local rumor mill had been in overdrive, churning up news that State Senator Susan Garrett would be selected, your LakeCountyEye knew better. All your LakeCountyEye can say about the
ménage is Pat Quinn wasn't eager to have anyone on the top of the Democratic slate that doesn't shout
Penney's off-the-rack. Among other accomplishments, Simon is a musician in a bluegrass band, where her experience playing second-fiddle no-doubt turned out to be a marketable skill. Combined with Simon's
JD, the two skills resulted in an
Oregon Law Review article ...
Greatest Hits: Domestic Violence in American Country Music
By law, Simon is now required to enter the witness protection program where she will be kept in hiding with Jason Plummer. For those LakeCountyEye Ops who do not know who Jason Plummer is, well there ya go. Overall, Democrats were pleased with the outcome. Michael Bond submitted a State Senate resolution honoring
Simone Simon for accepting the nomination.
I will take a subtle shot at Bond for his ignorance. At least Baxter understands that Bond was foolish. I understand most politicians use state resources to get their name out. Bond just took it to a whole new level of stupid.
Gee Lake Watcher, let's see:
Okay, so how do you feel about the 50 to 100 million dollars for which Lake County government is going to be on the hook because Suzi Schmidt's Board mistakenly plowed under the golf course at Fort Sheridan?
This was a simple mistake with bad ramifications for which Bond apologized profusely. The apology was accepted by both the officers and their boss, by the way. Haven't heard an apology from Suzi yet for failing to control her employees to the tune of millions of dollars.
So using State money and time to promote yourself under the guise of constituent services is OK.
And the golf course bids came in too high so Schmidt and the board said "no." Democrats would have cried "stimulus" and spent double the high bid. At least the County Board is trying to work its way through it.
And what is Ann Bassi's position on the course? She is either for it or against it depending upon which group she speaks for. Way to take a position there Bassi!
I realize it was a mistake. Nobody would be that foolish. The point was how he is doing everything possible to get re-elected. This includes using state resources to get his name out. I am not saying it is illegal but seriously, obituaries? If he was a trial lawyer it would be the same as him literally chasing ambulances.
This is totally ridiculous. You'll have to level this accusation at JoAnn Osmond, Sandy Cole, Dan Duffy, Bob Churchill, Suzi Schmidt, Brent Paxton, Bob Sabonjian, Governor Jim Edgar, Henry Hyde, Mark Kirk and Ronald Reagan because they have all, regularly offered resolutions to honor a constituent when they have passed away. Do some more research, you yahoos. Bond's resolutions have been party neutral, while Osmond and Cole's are 15 to 1 for republicans. Really, this is lame. The people at the Lake Villa Spring Days event actually came up to the Democratic booth in the cafeteria area to say that politicizing this mistake made Suzi look cheap, and you seem to confirm it.
I like Lake County Eye, but the snark in this case seems only to feed the lowest base.
Let's hope Sherry Ridge hasn't entered the 'Eye' editorial board.
Anon 10:51, All those other politicians passed a resolution in memory of a gang banger thug like Bond did? Really? Can you give us a few examples?
Anon 10:41, ALL politicians in this state do resolutions for sports teams, accomplishments of their constituents and yes people that die. Most of the time these resolutions are done for major accomplishments of people that died that made a mark on society. I personally believe they should be doing these. The difference is that Bond was TROLLING the obituaries. (or ordered his staff to do so)
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