Sunday, March 25, 2012
We're Number #67!
Most blogs are content to publish an occasional Internet Top Ten List. These skimpy unidecimal lists, however, pale by comparison against THE iLLINOIS OBSERVER's annual Top 67 Top Ten List:THE iLLINOIS OBSERVER today released its second Illinois blog survey since 2009 in which it ranks 67 independent or "mom and pop" Illinois-based blogs that cover Illinois politics and local government news, and we found once again that the Chicagoist headed up the top 10 list.
New Survey: The Top 10 Independent Political and News Blogs in Illinois Operatives are directed to scroll to the bottom of the list, reproduced here. Pay no attention to Team America's 10th or McHenery County Blog [sic] or any of those other blogs. Keep scrolling all the way until you get to the bottom of THE iLLINOIS OBSERVER political blog list.- Chicagoist: 9,554
- Gapers Block: 31,074
- Windy Citizen: 52,817
- Chicago Progressive Talk: 82,267
- Illinois Review: 99,9387
- The Illinois Observer: 117,789
- Capitol Fax: 118,745
- Progress Illinois: 128,165
- Beachwood Reporter: 142,124
- Marathon Pundit: 149,827
- The Chicago Phoenix, 157,519
- The Expired Meter, 174,686
- McHenery County Blog, 195,789
- Center Square Journal, 209,732
- Illinois StateHouse News, 226,701
- Publius Forum, 238,467
- Evanston Now, 249,304
- Peoria Pundit, 265,288
- Roscoe View Journal, 297,945
- Bean Soup Times, 298,465
- Chicago Daily Observer, 325,252
- Illinois Policy Institute Blog, 369,186
- Welles Park Bulldog, 465,635
- Catalyst Chicago, 466,491
- Better Government Association Blog, 466,491
- Civic Federation Blog, 565,004
- Sloopin Chicago's South Loop, 587,175
- Chicago Talks, 598,501
- Community Media Workshop Blog, 631,349
- OpenlineBlog, 645,726
- Fred Klonsky, 727,246
- First Electronic Newspaper, 740,259
- Southwest Observer, 1,141,010*
- Chicago News Bench, 2,065,730*
- Metropolitan Planning Council, 2,671,137*
- Illinois Issues, 3,195,513*
- Edgeville Buzz, 3,16,315*
- Live Here Oak Park, 3,724,700*
- The Sixth Ward Chicago, 4,598,735*
- Respublica.typepad.com, 4,681,096*
- Grand Old Partisan, 5,047,428*
- Area Chicago, 5,054,293*
- Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, 5,501,779*
- Tenth Congressional District Democrats, 5,693,695*
- Chicago Argus, 5,817,926*
- IADDA Blog, 5,906,493*
- TASC Blog, 5,977,847*
- Backyard Conservative, 6,148,868*
- A-Ville Daily, 6,415,169*
- Team America's 10th, 7,313,059*
- Bill Baar’s West Side, 7,979,023*
- Hyde Park Progress, 8,208,673*
- Archpundit, 8,935,012*
- 600 Words Esther Cepeda, 9,340,765*
- Prairie State Blue, 9,874,483*
- Sierra Club Illinois, 10,163,002*
- SallyDuros.com, 10,269,091*
- Rogers Park in 1000 Words, 10,467,406*
- Chicago Radio and Media, 13,191,324*
- The Daily Whale Chicago, 13,430,229*
- Latino Policy Forum, 16,138,227*
- Progressive Advocacy, 20,206,745*
- The Decatur Navigator, 20,958,663*
- Quincy Pundit, 22,612,489*
- Russ Stewart, 23,072,761*
- Laura Washington, 23,549,183*
- Lake County Eye, 24,132,409*
Hawkeyed operatives will spy with their eagle eyes, your LakeCountyEye!
Coming in dead last and at number 67, your LakeCountyEye sends many thanks to THE iLLINOIS OBSERVER. If they hadn't expanded their annual Top Ten List into a Top 67 List, your LakeCountyEye would never have come in dead last. Or at number 67.
And no, those other, big numbers by the blogs don't represent unique pageviews or even that blog's annual monetization return. Sadly no. Those numbers represent each blog's Alexa score. This is how the list is ranked and goes a long way to explaining why your LakeCountyEye is number 67. And dead last.
Well it's a well known fact that those other blogs -- like McHenery County Blog [sic] and Team America's 10th -- juice up their Alexa scores by driving traffic to their sites with promises of pictures of Internet Kittehs and wardrobe malfunctions, made to confused AOL subscribers.
Absolutely those other blogs are going to surpass your LakeCountyEye in quantity. But your LakeCountyEye promises to make it up in quality. Expect nothing less than all the important local political news as soon as it breaks, and sometimes even before, here.
That would be a tall order for a blog like the McHenery County Blog [sic] -- which couldn't be expected to post a story like THE iLLINOIS OBSERVER Top Ten Political Blogs until a good 6 months from now -- look for it maybe sometime next October:McHenry County Listed 13th in Illinois Political Blog Ranking And as for Team America's 10th, expect it to be gone by next October and replaced by a largely unreadable blog, penned by one of the trainees:Common Sense in Illinois' 10th All of which goes to show that sustaining a quality political blog in Illinois is a damn sight harder than it looks!
Posted by Barney Baxter at 11:00 PM 121 comments 
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