Q the Eye/10.25.10the LakeCountyEyePhone was ringing off the hook with calls from operatives eager to learn how to become pollsters. (For a while there, your LakeCountyEye thought someone's robo-dialer had run amok.)
The sort of poll in question is a simple grift, and was used effectively to resuscitate moribund campaigns in the Congressional Eighth and Tenth. Just publish a fake poll showing your guy ahead, or even better, in a dead heat. And wait for those donations to come flooding in.
Easier said than done? Au contraire, it's a piece of cake, and eating it too. The quick'n'dirty how-to is to be found over at the IllinoisReason blog ...
FiveThirtyEight Forecasts Illinois 10th District
FiveThirtyEight Forecasts Illinois 8th District
IL-10: New info calls recent We Ask America outlier poll into questionIf you're an operative who doesn't like to read blogs, and who blames you, here is the procedure: max out the Amex card for the $10-15,000 needed to commission your very own poll. End of story.
Your LakeCountyEye recommends:
We Ask America/Illinois Manufacturers' AssociationAct now before it's too late. The right poll can pole-vault a campaign all the way to the bank!
Oh you mean the dummycrat; The Hill/Penn, Schoen & Berland (D) poll from 10/2 - 10/7 that showed Seals up by +12? Yep he must have been desperate there.
hi Goodmongo,
Penn Schoen Berland is probably beyond my payscale.
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