Is 10th District Congressman Mark Kirk really still milking this Hamlet routine of his? Maybe yes. Maybe no. Your LakeCountyEye's magic crystal ball does know that mean old Uncle Claudius in this case happens to be Top Republican Party Boss, Andy McKenna. McKenna is also eyeing Obama's old Senate seat -- the same seat that has already been promised to Kirk. Naturally this doesn't sit well with Kirk. Probably because Kirk and McKenna side-by-side would be indistinguishable to the typical primary voter.
A Kirk/McKenna primary vote gets split down the middle, while the win goes to some far-right fringe candidate like Internet Powerhouse® Andy Martin. (Martin already is claiming credit for chasing Kirk out of the Senate competition.)
Mark Kirk Andy McKenna ... or is it
Andy McKenna & Mark Kirk?
Kirk doesn't want a Senate primary because in all likelihood that gets him a Pace-pass to the nearest IDES office. But as things stand, McKenna isn't backing down either. The word on the street is Kirk, McKenna and other party poobahs plan to powwow some more this weekend.
At this point your LakeCountyEye signs off with some lame closer like stay tuned until Monday. But the magic crystal ball clearly indicates that Kirk & McKenna's Alphonse & Gaston routine is already in the cross-hairs of the MSM blogs and risks doing some permanent harm for everyone. Just sayin!
Well, on the other hand, Kirk seems to be getting a lot of free media attention.
Hey, are you the only one commenting on Andy Martin's press releases? Each one is better than the last.
Hi TA,
Andy's got our endorsement ... the Andy Martin jokes write themselves.
TA said 'Kirk seems to be getting a lot of free media attention.'
Is that the new standard in determining whether a current Member of Congress is effective and consistent with his District, and a viable state-wide candidate?
It seems like that is the only thing most people agree on regarding Mr. Kirk: he likes free publicity.
Maybe this is why when it comes to legislation that is meaningful and adequately funded years after it passes, Kirk's record is not much to write home about.
Congress is not all about who is most likely to suceed based on a high school poll or popularity contest, in my humble opinion.
It could be said that Kirk's indecisiveness on running for Senate is consistent with his indeciveness on supporting S-Chip, envronmentally sound energy policy, funding for our infrastructure (of course he didn't waiver on this and was quick to vote against it), etc.
Consistency isn't always a good think, Mr. Kirk.
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