Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Between You & Me & the Fencepost

If Google is your friend, can the Daily Herald be far behind? Despite showing up on your doorstep every morning, the Daily Herald also wants to be your BFF:
We're doing several things at the Daily Herald this week to help put a spotlight on all the ways we use technology to talk to each other. And, because talking to each other should be easy, we're going add a few things to make it more fun.
Daily Herald and readers: We're in this news business together
Now's your chance to sync up with the Herald on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. These are only some of fun things they have added to beef up their online presence -- for a complete rundown, follow the story link below. It's underneath the actual unretouched screencap of the actual unretouched Daily Herald story:

Daily Herald and readers: We're in this news business together
No doubt about it, talking to each other should be easy. Along with those fun additions, the Herald should consider some fun subtractions, starting with the paywall.

That's all your LakeCountyEye has. Please do not block the view of the paying customers.

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