Operatives may recall the blow-by-blow account, reported on this blog last August, of the pugilistic match-up between Suzanne Schmidt and Robert Schmidt:
The Megilla in Lake Villa
Students of the sweet science hoping for a rematch between the Lake County State Senator and her spouse were not disappointed this week. According to the
News-Sun ...
A call of a domestic battery at the home of state Sen. Suzi Schmidt and her husband prompted a visit from Lake County Sheriff's Office deputies for the second time in about six weeks. As in the previous visit to the home at 38532 Ardmore Lane in Lake Villa Township, which occurred on Aug. 16, no charges were filed, a sheriff's spokesman said Tuesday. At approximately 6:30 p.m. Monday, deputies responded to the home for a report of a domestic battery. Deputies met with Robert Schmidt, 63, and the senator, 60, and conducted an investigation, but the Lake County State's Attorney's Office declined to file charges, according to sheriff's Lt. Wayne Hunter.
Second domestic call at Sen. Schmidt’s home
Fans unable to attend the match had the option to view the fight on closed-circuit TV:

Police called to state senator's Lake Villa home for 2nd time
Ringside aficionados have closely followed Suzanne Schmidt's more than two-decade-long heavyweight career. They no doubt look forward to November 2012, when Schmidt will defend her title against an opponent yet to be determined. Rumors are circulating that Schmidt will also appear in a preliminary match, sometime in March 2012, necessitated by some recent poor showings in the ring.
The State's Attorney is not pressing charges. If it were you or I, we would be hauled off to court. Since both had injuries, both should have been hauled off.
If nothing happened as implied by the Lake County SA, then why aren't they at least being charged with calling 911 falsely.
The great Lake County "connected" cover-up. So typical if this county.
Why did the lake county sherriff arrest her? Why did the state's attorney not file charges after two incidents-and the second with actually injuries reported? Are both of these folks republicans? Sounds like another lake county coverup...I guess the sherriff and state's attornery are only tough on crime when it's not committed by a fellow republican
This is a classic example of the domestic abuse cycle: a first call-out where the parties do not wish to press charges followed by a second, escalated incident. Sadly, that second incident often results in serious injury or death to the abused spouse. Police departments around the country know that it is the first call where meaningful intervention can break the cycle of abuse. In this case, the sheriff's office and the State's Attorney clearly failed to do their duty. I am thankful that the abused spouse, in this case Bob Schmidt, was not more seriously injured. Clearly, Senator Schmidt is troubled and perhaps in need of some counseling. Her obvious need for help dovetails with our apparent need for a better State Senator.
Unfortunately for the neighbors on Fairfield Rd, the presence of the LC Sheriff Squad Car does not mean increased patrols, merely another incident at the Schmidt residence. This has been ongoing for years.
Why weren't charges filed?
Easy, she has connections as she so astutely pointed out on the 911 tape...but, when a community contacts her to help out with something locally, all of a sudden she doesn't have any connections or influence.
Suzi Schmidt - who you crapping?!?
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