Making a virtue of necessity, this will be strictly an oldskool flashback. The highlights of a lively LakeCountyEye holiday eve:
Eighth Congressional District candidate, Maria Rodriguez, sang Paul Simon's The 53rd Street Bypass Song ...
Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Dan Seals, hoping a third time's the charm in the Tenth Congressional District, performed Len Barry's 60s-era bubblegum number, 1-2-3 ...
It's easy (it's so easy)
Like taking candy from a baby
Linda Pedersen, JoAnn Osmond's legislative aide, chose the Van Heusen/Cahn torch standard, Call Me, Irresponsible ...
Call me irresponsible - call me unreliable
Throw in undependable too
Mark Kirk, aspiring for a promotion to the national stage -- from Congress to Senate -- trumpeted his national security street-cred with the Village People's In the Navy ...
In the navy
Come on, protect the motherland
Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran is rumored to be the next Lake County State's Attorney. Curran, a former Democrat and current Republican, rendered, well, the Clash's Should I Stay or Should I Go ...
If I go there will be trouble
Si me voi - va ver peligro
And if I stay it will be double
Si me quedo es doble
Terry Link, who helped remove the second hand smoke from the restaurants and the second guessing from traffic light enforcement, is now candidate for Springfield second banana. Link reached all the way back to the Ziegfeld Follies of 1921 for Second Hand Rose (From Second Avenue) ...
Even my pajamas when I don them
Have somebody else's initials on them
Finally, everyone including your LakeCountyEye joined together for a merrie olde holiday heirloom ...
On the last day of Christmas, my true love sent to me ...

Twelve Duffies harrumphing

Eleven video-poker payouts

Ten boards a-sleeping

Nine Ant's simoleons

Eight mayors a-bilking

Seven Bobs a-bungeeing

Six Genesees in-layaway

Five golden things

Four Couvalling bards

3/10 Dems

Two tort reforms

And a goldfish in a ballot box!
Twelve Duffies harrumphing
Eleven video-poker payouts
Ten boards a-sleeping
Nine Ant's simoleons
Eight mayors a-bilking
Seven Bobs a-bungeeing
Six Genesees in-layaway
Five golden things
Four Couvalling bards
3/10 Dems
Two tort reforms
And a goldfish in a ballot box!
Merry Festivus to all & to all a good night!
Well done! Happy New Year.
Well done, but, seriously, Mark Curran for State's attorney!!!! Makes me shudder
And a Merry 2010, Nicki.
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