Your LakeCountyEye trained the microscope at the Eighth Congressional District this week ...
The Eighth is Enough
There is a crowded primary in the offing, at least on the Republican side. The reader, ie you, was challenged to identify the candidates. Could you match-up some mug shots with some names? The results are in and not surprisingly you did quite well when it came to IDing Maria Rodriguez. However you seemed to have nary the clue when it came to identifying the other candidates Joe Walsh, Greg Jacobs or John Dawson. The results were not much better than random chance. This may be an indication of Rodriguez's superior name recognition. Or it may be an indication that Rodriguez was the only female in the survey. In any event, the raw numbers have been forwarded to Price-Waterhouse for additional analysis.
Candidate A | Candidate B | Candidate C | Candidate D |
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You were correct if you sent in these answers:- Candidate A / Maria Rodriguez (R)
- Candidate B / Joe Walsh (R)
- Candidate C / Greg Jacobs (R)
- Candidate D / John Dawson (R)
Winning entrants, watch your inbox this week. A LakeCountyEye Nigerian representative will be e-mailing you detailed instructions on how to claim your prize.
The Eighth isn't the only Congressional District in Lake County. On the east coast, the Tenth Congressional District also will have a crowded Republican primary. To those east coasters who have felt slighted by your LakeCountyEye, here is your chance to shine. Your challenge is to test your skills against those in the Eighth District. There are no less than four candidates who want to succeed Mark Kirk. They are, in no particular order ...
- Elizabeth Coulson (R)
- Bob Dold (R)
- Dick Green (R)
- Bill Cadigan (R)
Do you have what it takes? Match the 10th District candidate with the photo. |
Candidate A | Candidate B | Candidate C | Candidate D |
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Do not delay, correct answers to be posted soon. |
Hey, Lake County Eye, where have you been? Looks like there's an 8th CD candidate you missed for the poll.
We're keeping an eye on the latest filings and will post an update.
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