Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Prisoner of Love?

In case you missed it, Chicago's Morning Answer broadcast live from the Lake County jail:

Lake Co Sheriff Mark Curran joins Dan & Amy
to talk community safety & life at the jail
Dan Proft: Good morning we're Dan & Amy coming to you live from Lake County jail this morning. So in addition to my normal security detail, we have law enforcement from Lake County around.
Amy Jacobson: Yeah I'm feeling very safe this morning. It's great.
Dan Proft: And we're pleased to be joined now by our friend Mark Curran who is the Lake County Sheriff. Mark thanks for joining us and hosting us.
Mark Curran:
Awesome to have y'all here. Um, Amy, um, I, um, not really met. She's six feet tall, got awesome skin, she's really nice looking lady. That's not bad waking up to, Dan?
Dan Proft: Now, uh ... now you have to compliment me.
Amy Jacobson: Yeah what are some of his ...
Mark Curran:
Dan is one of the brightest individuals in this industry if not right at the very tops.
Note to Law Enforcement from Lake County Ops: Could someone please ask the Sheriff to get a room?

And thank you for playing Get a Room! Your LakeCountyEye Get a Room!™ competition is open to anyone 18 or older, of minimal self awareness, and just a hunka hunka burnin love. Decision of the judges are final.

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