The wheels beneath the smoke-filled room of the US House Republican caucus are spinning faster than the
Goliath at
Six Flags Great America. Haha, as readers of this blog are rapidly aware ...
Bring Down the House
Congressman Peter Roskam -- the Deputy Republican Whip -- has been waiting patiently on the sidelines for his promotion up to Majority Whip in the House of Representatives. Now, according to
POLITICO, with the untimely demise of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor ...
The race for the third most powerful position in the House — majority whip — is wide open. With less than a week until Republicans vote on the most significant changes to their leadership in nearly a decade, Peter Roskam of Illinois, Steve Scalise of Louisiana and Marlin Stutzman of Indiana are circling the 233-member House Republican Conference in a furious search for support. Scalise has the lead, having secured roughly 100 lawmakers, but Roskam is still working the conference, and has netted between 75 and 85 commitments.
GOP whip seat up for grabs
A part-time Lake County Congressman, Roskam suffered a serious setback this week from members of his own Illinois caucus. Congressmen Aaron Schock and John Shimkus are both supporting a rival for the coveted Majority Whip post. According to the
Sun-Times, Roskam's fair-weather friends BFF Louisiana Rep Steve Scalise better than they BFF Illinois Rep Peter Roskam:
Schock backing Scalise for House whip as new Roskam rival emerges
Why Shimkus is conflicted about supporting Roskam for whip post
A likely sign of desperation, Roskam sent a personal letter to each member of his Republican caucus. The
Daily Herald says ...
In a letter to members of the House Republican Conference Friday evening, Congressman Peter Roskam of Wheaton asked for support in his bid for majority whip.
Roskam campaigns to become majority whip
Your LakeCountyEye obtained a copy of one such confidential missive:

Attn: My Dear;
Please forgive my intrusion into your privacy, I am Mr Peter Roskam, and I am a US citizen and I am a US Congressperson. I hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of ourselves. I need your urgent assistance in transferring large amounts of monies to your account within 10 to 14 banking days.
I have at my disposal one Congressional Leadership PAC namely Republican Operation to Secure and Keep a Majority (ROSKAM PAC), of which as of 30.04.2014 contains a cash balance of $185,169.21 USD.
I want to make Itemized Disbursements of said monies, in increments of $1000 USD, into your re-election committee. I am assuring you that this monies can be transferred upon receipt of a pledge for your support in Mr. Peter Roskam upon becoming your next US House of Representatives Majority Whip.
Do indicate your private information as listed below in your response for easier communication on this project.
Your Full Name...................
Your District...................
Your Direct Phone N°...................
Your PAC...................
Once again, i need to be assured of your trust and reliability. Looking forward to your urgent response. Thanks you for your co-operation.
Highest Regards,
Mr. Peter Roskam
US citizen and US Congressperson |
Advice to ops: don't start measuring those drapes inside the office of the House Majority Whip just yet.
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