Chicago Tribune, 05/19/2010
Operatives may be wondering: Well howcome your LakeCountyEye is bringing up the issue? The answer is: Keyword Stuffing. It is well known that web traffic can be doubled, tripled even, just by the judicious insertion of a few performance enhancing keywords into a website. While the precise identity of these keywords are closely held industry secrets, your LakeCountyEye is privy to insider information of this as well as diverse other provenance.
Experts agree, the one keyword always guaranteed to boost the web-stats of even the most moribund website is: LESBIAN. Other high yield keywords include LESBIANISM, LESBIANS and LEBANESE. As well as LESBIAN. And LESBIAN1.
BB wrote: "While the precise identity of these keywords are closely held industry secrets, your LakeCountyEye is privy to insider information of this as well as diverse other provenance."
Are you saying that you may have "doubled, tripled even, just by the judicious insertion of a few performance enhancing keywords" such as 'lesbian'? Even with about nine stuffed into your post, because it is such a popular term, you fail to appear on the first 15 pages of a Google search for that keyword or any longtail keywords using that term.
But getting back to the issue of whether or not the nominee is a lesbian, cases coming before the Supreme Court pertaining to same-sex marriage will certainly be viewed and voted on differently by someone who may be gay (don't you think?)
Well, it has been a day and nobody has commented except CatMan. So I feel I gotta. I was too young to vote for JFK. People feared the Pope would be in the White House. JFK said his religion was “irrelevant”. He made good on it. Fast forward to the 90’s. We elect a faithless, genius president. The only person of questionable note in the White House was a girl intern. Forward to the first decade of the 21st Century. We elect a faith based, stupid president. Right Wing Christians of questionable note were in the White House. Big time. They were focused on their Big Three. God, Guns, & Gays. JFK would not be amused.
So CatMan is correct. The cartoon is wrong. Somebody cares. So, let’s review everybody for bias. Left & Right. Especially those with direct cell phones to God who think that He assigned them to rule America. Make politicians and judges swear to the JFK “It is irrelevant” speech.
For me CatMan’s question brings a simple response. We went through hell in the 60’s just to get 12% of the population a fair shake. But some wanted my kids to pay “war reparations” to black people. Not! In the 70’s we went through tough times to get 50% of the population a fair shake. But some wanted 50 - 50 quotas for women. Not! In this new century we will go through trying times to get 2.8% of the population acceptance and property rights. Civil unions? Sure. Marriage? Like the marriage laws for people who can actually make babies? Like marriage regulation and policies to lower the 38% - 80% illegitimacy rates we have now? Like marriage regulation so America creates a healthy future for itself and its future babies? Gay marriage? Like Mom + Dad = Baby marriage? Not! Nope! No way.
Ode to the next Supreme Court justice, hopefully Ms. Kagen
-- I don’t care if she is straight or gay
… just so she thinks like JFK.
By CatMan's reasoning, the male judges on the Supreme Court should not be voting on any abortion issues since they're not female.
Like that's going to fly...
Thanks, IllinoisJim for your ode. I couldn't agree with you more.
hi CatMan,
Regarding your 2nd issue, if I only knew someone's sexual orientation, I'm not sure I'd know how they would vote. For instance, the Baptist minister from the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality last week who was outed while on vacation with a rent-a-boy.
Regarding your 1st issue, did I spell lesbian correctly?
BB - I wasn't going to mention your keyword word 'LEBANESE' but you didn't make the first 15 pages for that term either. :-)
Dear Joe: Thanks for the acknowledgement. Dear CatMan: Thanks for addressing this touchy issue. Dear America: We, the people, are obligated to find ways to get 2.8% of our population seats at the nation’s table. But it ‘aint gonna be’ through “gay marriage”.
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