Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Self Promotion

The Little Lotto Numbers are ... 2 ... 0 ... 2 ... 2 ...
Among Lake County political warhorses there is an old saying: "Don't bother being kind to people on your way up. In Lake County there ain't no way up."

Haha, Lake County State Representative David McSweeney thinks there is a way up:
Earlier this year, Rep. Dave McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills, lost his comms staffer for criticizing fellow Republican Rep. Steve Reick for allegedly making "racist" comments and calling on House GOP Leader Jim Durkin to resign for being a "fake Republican" and "corrupt insider." McSweeney, who wants to run statewide in 2022, said he paid for his own communications staffer, so he wasn't concerned.
The return of the circular firing squad
David McSweeney may not want to represent you in Lake County any more, but who is going to blame him? Especially when there will be plenty of statewide constituencies up for grabs in 2022.  What will McSweeney do in 2022? Your LakeCountyEye doesn't expect him to run for Township supervisor. No, here's the smartmoney handicap over the 2022 election:
  • A U.S. Senate seat will be on the ballot. While McSweeney managed less than 45% of the vote when he ran against Melissa Bean for Congress in 2006, challenging an incumbent U.S. Senator next time will be totally different. Totally.

  • Every Illinois Constitutional office will be on the ballot. But McSweeney, presumably, will give the cold shoulder to Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer and Comptroller. None of these positions are much of an improvement over being a State Representative. Even being a State Representative in the minority party. And even a State Representative in the minority party who's been warming a backbench.

  • Whether it needs to or not, Illinois will elect a Governor and Lieutenant Governor in 2022. If history is any indication, you can't get elected Governor in this state without name recognition, being admired, being trusted, etc. You can however get elected Lieutenant Governor. This position is tailor-made for McSweeney.
As is too often the case, your LakeCountyEye makes it a point to remind candidates that there will always be another election. In this instance, the 2024 Presidential Election. The position of US Vice President will be tailor-made for a perennial candidate like David McSweeney. 'Nuff Said!

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