Friday, July 19, 2019

Political Ambition

Does your Township spark joy?
Has Lake County seen yet it's share of toxic spills? Apparently not -- someone just spilled the beans on State Representative David McSweeney:
Earlier this year, Rep. Dave McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills, lost his comms staffer for criticizing fellow Republican Rep. Steve Reick for allegedly making "racist" comments and calling on House GOP Leader Jim Durkin to resign for being a "fake Republican" and "corrupt insider." McSweeney, who wants to run statewide in 2022, said he paid for his own communications staffer, so he wasn't concerned.
The return of the circular firing squad
Which statewide office will David McSweeney run for in 2022? No one is saying.

Your LakeCountyEye is betting that McSweeney will run for Township Supervisor. It may not be a statewide office, but he won't have to worry about David McSweeney sponsoring Bills any more to eliminate township government.

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