The McHenry Country Board recently met with a number of McHenry County legislators, including State Rep Jack Franks, to discuss their legislative wishlist. But don't look to read about the meeting in the McHenryCountyBlog, because it isn't there.
If it was anything like the annual Lake County Legislative Breakfast then the meeting was way too boring for public consumption -- and by design. Here's a taste, courtesy the Northwest Herald of what transpired:
state lawmakers had mixed opinions on a request by the McHenry County and Lake County boards to allow the Fox Waterway Agency to charge a public safety fee of up to $30 a year to defray the cost of policing the Chain O' Lakes and the Fox River in the wake of state funding cuts to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Lake County Board Chairman Aaron Lawlor, who attended Thursday’s meeting, said about 40 percent of the river's total recreation comes from outside the two counties whose taxes pay for existing safety.Jack Franks, however, was good for a zing:
Officials share expectations of General Assembly
Franks chided the County Board on its decision last week not to put a referendum on the April ballot allowing voters to elect the board chairman instead of being chosen by the board's 24 members.Oh snap!
Officials share expectations of General Assembly
In related news, your LakeCountyEye has been told that Aaron Lawlor was very disappointed to learn that McHenry County voters will not be allowed to elect their board chairman. Lawlor, the Lake County Board Chairman, had been planning to run, in 2014, for McHenry County Board Chairman.
Haha j/k.
1 comment:
Nothing on Island Lake's recent shennanigans? You are tickled that another blog got scooped and in the process you were scooped by theblog1.com on the hearings.
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