Saturday, November 25, 2017

Water/Lead Testing Results: Round Lake High School

This is part of an e-mail sent to parents of Round Lake High School students last week.
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 9:32 PM
Subject: Water/Lead Testing Results: RLHS

Dear Round Lake High School Parents/Guardians:

The purpose of this letter is to provide you with results of recent water testing that was conducted at Round Lake High School on November 4, 2017. In January 2017, a bill that required Pre-K through 5th grade schools to test drinking water for lead was approved in the State of Illinois. Water is being tested at all schools within the District.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires corrective action for water samples that contain lead levels above 15 parts per billion (ppb). The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is administering the law and the requires direct parental notification for any water samples with lead levels above 5 parts per billion.
Testing was completed by DSH&SC. The complete report for RLHS can be located on the District website .

Of the 296 samples taken at RLHS, 41 sample tested above the 5 parts per billion notification level. The list below details the location of each sample.

First Draw
Second Draw

Second Draw
Classroom L203
207 ppb
<2.0 ppb

Classroom B305
5.38 ppb
8.39 ppb
Classroom L203
28.3 ppb
<2.0 ppb

Classroom B301
6.63 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom G301
26.3 ppb
3.48 ppb

Classroom C304
7.89 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom G301
20.5 ppb
12.0 ppb

Classroom C304
6.17 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom G301
13.8 ppb
3.15 ppb

Classroom C304
7.63 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom G302
22.7 ppb
2.36 ppb

Classroom C304
7.61 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom G303
6.83 ppb
4.72 ppb

Classroom C304
5.68 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom G303
110 ppb
76.1 ppb

Classroom C303
7.64 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom G305
5.00 ppb
2.78 ppb

Classroom C303
5.65 ppb
<2.0 ppb
9.74 ppb
<2.0 ppb

Classroom C303
5.87 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom D301
6.47 ppb
5.57 ppb

Classroom C303
6.54 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom B300
11.0 ppb
5.47 ppb

Classroom C302
6.14 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom B300
7.33 ppb
<2.0 ppb

Classroom C302
6.63 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom B304
10.1 ppb
<2.0 ppb

Classroom C302
5.62 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom B310
5.89 ppb
<2.0 ppb

Classroom C302
9.59 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom B310
6.62 ppb
<2.0 ppb

Classroom C302
7.10 ppb
<2.0 ppb
Classroom B307
5.40 ppb
<2.0 ppb

Classroom K223
5.28 ppb
3.48 ppb
Classroom B305
10.5 ppb
23.4 ppb

Upon receiving results, the identified areas were immediately taken out of commission. Remedies for these areas will include filtration systems and replacement of fountain and any necessary plumbing which may be causing the higher than acceptable levels of lead. These areas will be retested once remedies are complete. Follow up results will be communicated to you once available.

For additional information about lead testing, please visit:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
After seeing the effects of lead contamination in Flint Michigan, it is disturbing to know that this can also occur in Lake County.

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