Monday, August 7, 2017

The Price is Right

Willie Sutton robbed banks. Nowadays just go to Congress instead.

Haha, the banking sector is giving away money to your US Representatives. For instance, Randy Hultgren has taken home more than $1,000,000 from financial interests:
Rep. Randy Hultgren: Campaign Finance/Money - Industries - Representative Career | OpenSecrets
Perhaps not coincidentally, Hultgren, Lake County's boreal Congressman, voted recently to repeal the Dodd-Frank Act:
A bill that repeals it has made its way through one level of Congress. The Financial Choice Act, passed by the House of Representatives last week, repeals many of the financial rules and regulations in what's called the Dodd-Frank Act that was passed in 2010.
Illinois Reps weigh in on House vote to repeal Dodd-Frank regulations
The new Republican Bill would ...
tie the hands of bank regulators and make it easier for banks to again take risks that endanger our economy. The bill would repeal the Volcker Rule, which prohibits banks from gambling with customer money;
What is the Financial CHOICE Act (HR 10)?
Perhaps not coincidentally, Randy Hultgren was seen this week at the Waukegan Casino:
Keep calm and Carey on. This is merely another hilarious LakeCountyEye Double Vision™!
Note to Ops: Your odds are better at the craps table.

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