Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Big Map Attack

You don't need a weather map to know which way the wind blows.
How many times has this happened to you? You've filed paperwork to run against the Establishment in the next election. But the power elite takes notice and stops you dead in your tracks. They've changed all of the maps -- and now from where you live you're not eligible to run for dog-catcher.

Of course, your LakeCountyEye is referring to Casey Urlacher and Dan McConchie.

As readers of this blog are aware ...
Casey at the Bet
Lake County favorite son Casey Urlacher was running against entrenched incumbent Dan McConchie in the 26th Senate District.

HaHa, not anymore:
Relief for McConchie: The redraw of Senate Minority Leader Dan McConchie puts primary competitor Casey Urlacher in a different district.
It's a Remap Bloodbath
Note to Ops: It's good to be Senate Minority Leader. You can throw your weight around.

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