Sullivan's Traversal?that Sullivan may switch sides and run instead as a Democrat.
Well, Jim Durkin, the leader of the Illinois House Republican Caucus, must keep abreast of the local developments here by monitoring this blog. That's because soon after the aforementioned rumor appeared on this blog, Durkin told the Daily Herald that ...
he'll back incumbent lawmakers that have primary election challenges next year even if their views are at odds with his own. Among suburban Republicans so far, state Rep. Ed Sullivan of Mundelein is facing a potential opponent in the primary over his backing of same-sex marriage.Sullivan is sitting in clover because, by all appearances, he is presently at the center of a bidding war. At the risk of angering the right-wing of his Party, Leader Durkin is signaling that he is ready to parachute into District 51 with a sackfull of the greenstuff -- on Sullivan's sayso.
New Republican leader "absolutely" supports incumbents in primaries
Your move, Leader Madigan.
Note to ops: Bidding wars do not just happen by luck or magic. A lot of scutwork and skulduggery has to be executed before the magic happens. If you are an ambitious elected official who worries that their stock is being sold short, then your LakeCountyEye is here to help. These days, a politician without professional representation is like a State's Attorney without a conviction. Lacking the services of a professional agent, you -- Mr Career Politician -- are going to be remembered as being Mr-Pants-On-Fire. Because your political career will have been spent warming a seat.
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