Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Up in Arms

There is a proven theorem in combinatorics that says your odds are better for winning the lottery if you do not play the lottery than if you do. Your luck may be better yet instead, if you drop your gamblin'money at the Waukegan Casino:
American Place casino owner Full House Resorts produced record earnings in the first quarter of the year led by the performance of The Temporary at American Place in Waukegan.
Waukegan casino's owner reports record earnings: 'We look forward to continued growth at American Place'
And when you go, send regards to one Waukegan Alderman who will be working the one-armed bandits:
Waukegan's mayor is criticizing an alderman for posting online a photo of a severed arm found this month on the city's lakefront
Waukegan mayor calls alderman’s posting of severed-arm photo 'morally disgusting'
That's all your LakeCountyEye has. Get rolling.

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