Monday, February 5, 2024

People Unclear on the Contempt

not to put too fine a point on it
Did you hear the one about the candidate who filed a nominating petition for school board? However, she failed to check her paperwork. And was elected village trustee instead. HaHa, true story.

One Antioch Village Trustee was so unhappy with her school district that she took to social media in a big way:
Trustee Petrina Burman began objecting last year to certain materials dealing with gender identity being made available to students in Antioch School District 34. That sparked an investigation by an outside agency. The citizens group and Burman have since taken to social media to express their viewpoints.
Antioch officials want to focus on plans rather than gender-identity debate; ‘This is … a distraction from getting these projects completed’
Things became embarrassing to a degree that the Village Board censured their Trustee:
Antioch trustees have reprimanded one of their own, saying it's time to move on from social media distractions and focus on village business.
Antioch village trustee censured for ‘disruptive’ conduct
Note to Ops: You can exert more influence over school district policy by sitting on that school board. And not your village board.

Just sayin!


Anonymous said...

Next time you might want to do some actual research before writing. You're spreading inaccurate information.

Barney Baxter said...

Hi Anon

Thanks for the tip. We hired a new fact-checker.


Anonymous said...

Nowhere in this article does it state that this parent had a child in Antioch District 34. Why did you neglect to mention that? Are you aware an Antioch District 34 School Board member threatened and defamed this parent, using their school district email? Here:

Petrina Burman said...

This is defamation based off malicious defamation. This article has been archived and screenshots have been taken. You can either remove this garbage or you'll be hearing from my attorney.

Anonymous said...

Petrina, stop. It’s really getting old. You aren’t a victim. You’re a nuisance.