Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Chicken Dance

Hindsight being 20/20, it is now apparent that Joe Walsh was voted out of Congress for not being extreme enough. And while there may be no second acts in life, the ex-Lake County Congressman quickly slid into broadcasting, where he is now a DJ. And (as his rabid fans attest) Walsh performs under the stage-name DJ-Walsh-Alt.

Note to Ops: Need a superstar DJ to beat-mix your next Rave, EDM Cellar or wedding rehearsal, and you don't have an unlimited budget? DJ-Walsh-Alt will have even your sleepiest septuagenarian tripping the light fantastic quicker than you can say gangnam style.

Catch these snaps of DJ-Walsh-Alt on the floor ...
Joe Walsh Holds Summer Shindig
... of a recent McHenryCountyBlog hootenanny:

"What do you say we turn up the music and kick up some fun?"

You put your right wing in,
You put your right wing out ...

You put your right wing in,
And you shake it all about ...

You do the hokey pokey
And you turn yourself around and ...

... I wanna dance with you,
With you my Lambada, Lambada.
La La La La La La Lambada!

[h/t: McHenryCountyBlog]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only person I see that still evokes a visceral reaction... One and done Joe Walsh!