Sunday, December 15, 2013

Jingle Drone?

December is the time of the year when everyone in Lake County stops to pause and reflect. They search the heavens for some sign of an old and familiar emissary of largess & free gifts making his daily rounds.

Santa and his sleighful of eight tiny reindeer? Haha, good guess but dead wrong. Your LakeCountyEye, of course, refers to President Barack Obama riding a predator drone.

Chicago Tribune
Quite frankly, your LakeCountyEye thought the joke was funnier the first time around -- in Dr Strangelove ...
Fear not, you did not witness a nuclear double pulse.
This is another atom side splitting LakeCountyEye Double Vision™!
Your LakeCountyEye wonders if the Tribune Creepy Political Cartoonist™ has ever seen North by Northwest ...
Now, that is how the funny gets done, son -- just sayin!

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